Rewrite the sentences in indirect speech using the verb given! Add prepositions where needed.
- “Milli Vanilli lip-synched all the time,” the manager said. ADMITTED
- “I will call you back” she said. OFFERED
- “You lied to me” he shouted. ACCUSED
- “You should see that play,” Peter said. RECOMMENDED
- “We are the best team in the championship,” the player said. BOASTED
- “Don’t believe him,” my mother said. WARNED
- “Let’s go swimming,” he said. SUGGESTED
- “Shall I help you?” the gentleman said. OFFERED
- “I’m sorry I’m late,” the student said. APOLOGIZED
- “You let him fall,” she said. BLAMED
- “Stop talking at once!” the teacher said. ORDERED
- “Your essay is not good enough.” she said. COMPLAINED/ABOUT
- “You should try harder” my teacher advised. SUGGESTED
- “You mustn’t talk during the exam!” the examiner said. FORBADE
- “Please, don’t play the drums while your sister is sleeping.” my mother said. ASKED
- “It’s a very delicate case.” the detective said. EXPLAINED
- “Please, please, don’t kill me.” the hostage said. BEGGED
- “Stop the car or I’ll start screaming.” she said. THREATENED
- “I didn’t sell you car.” George said. DENIED
- “You never listen to me.” Susan said. COMPLAINED
- “I’ll be more careful next time.” Simon said. PROMISED
- “You shouldn’t try it once more.” my friend said. DISCOURAGED
- “No, I won’t tell you the answer.” he said. REFUSED

- ADMITTED The manager admitted that Milli Vanilli lip-synched all the time. /The manager admitted (to) Milli Vanilli’s lip-synching all the time
- OFFERED She offered to call me back.
- ACCUSED He accused me of lying to him.
- RECOMMENDED He recommended seeing that play.
- BOASTED The player boasted about being/playing in the best team in the championship.
- WARNED My mother warned me not to believe him.
- SUGGESTED He suggested going swimming./He suggested that we go swimming.
- OFFERED The gentleman offered to help me.
- APOLOGIZED The student apologized for being late.
- BLAMED She blamed him/her for letting him fall.
- ORDERED The teacher ordered me/us to stop talking at once.
- COMPLAINED/ABOUT She complained to me about my essay not being good enough.
- SUGGESTED My teacher suggested my trying harder./ The teacher suggested that I try harder.
- FORBADE The examiner forbade us to talk during the exam.
- ASKED My mother asked me not to play the drums while my sister was sleeping.
- EXPLAINED The detective explained that it was a very delicate case.
- BEGGED The hostage begged me not to kill him/her.
- THREATENED She threatened to start screaming if I didn’t stop the car.
- DENIED George denied selling/having sold my car.
- COMPLAINED Susan complained that I never listen to her. OR
- Susan complained to me about my never/not listening to her.
- PROMISED Simon promised to be more careful next time.
- DISCOURAGED My friend discouraged me from trying it/that once more/another time.