What’s the job? Read about different job positions. What do you do? What’s your position like?
Architect Technician
- Works for a construction company.
- Designs buildings, produces plans, specifications, and drawings.
- Negotiates with builders and inspects construction work.
Field Service Engineer
- Works for an office equipment manufacturer.
- Visits customers’ sites and repairs and maintains
- Spends a lot of time driving from place to place.
Software Engineer
- Works for a bank.
- Writes, tests, and debugs code.
- Updates security features and troubleshoots.
- Is responsible for a project team.
Help Desk Technician
- Provides technical support.
- Solves customers’ problems over the phone.
- Works night shifts.
Warehouse Manager
- Works for a paper company.
- Receives shipments and checks quantities.
- Keep records of
- Manages a database.
- Works for a credit card company.
Quality Controller
- Works for a pharmaceutical company.
- Collects and examines product
- Analyses data and writes reports.
2 Look at the underlined words in the job descriptions in the exercise 1. Find the word which means:
- bargains, reaches agreement by discussion
- parts of the working day
- puts in the latest information
- stocks of goods and materials
- goods that are transported
- finds and corrects faults and problems
- keeps in good working order
- specimens, small quantities of a product that shows what the rest is like
- looks at something closely to make sure it’s OK
- examines something carefully to understand it and explain it.
3 In your opinion, on which of these positions people…:
1 are the most and the least busy?
2 use computers the most?
3 work the longest hours?
4 don’t need to wear special clothing?
5 sometimes work outside?
6 meet lots of different people?
7 need the most qualifications?
8 make the most money?
9 have the best and the worst jobs? why?
4 Speaking practice. Work with a partner. Take turns to describe the jobs of people you know, for example, your boss, your husband/wife, your brother etc.